Chemical Splash Googles


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Get superior eye protection in a lightweight and comfortable design with Pyramex chemical splash goggles. They exceed the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87.1-2003 standard for high-impact resistance to improve durability. This protective eyewear comes with a hardwearing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) frame and polycarbonate lenses that shield against harmful ultraviolet rays (UV). Vent caps on standard models inhibit liquid penetration, while the elastic band provides a snug fit. Consider the deluxe ANSI Z87.1 glasses with foam padding and breakaway headband for added cushioning and an adjustable fit. A special one-way vent also enables airflow while sealing out potential hazards. These safety goggles ensure clear vision for increased security.  

  • Pyramex chemical splash goggles comply with the ANSI standard for high-impact resistance
  • They come in standard and deluxe styles to match individual requirements and preferences
  •  Antifog polycarbonate lenses offer enhanced UV protection while keeping vision clear

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