Shoulder And Elbow Anatomical Chart


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Enhance education through visual learning with the handy shoulder and elbow anatomical chart. Similar to many full-color human anatomy charts, it features detailed illustrations and clear labels that correspond to bones, muscles, blood vessels and nerves. The supporting text offers a concise explanation to make complicated concepts easier to understand. This graphical and simplified form of learning especially benefits those without a medical background. As an effective visual guide, this shoulder anatomy poster assists physicians in pointing out to patients the exact area of their injuries or ailments. A patient empowered with proper knowledge gains valuable insight into his or her condition, which may help lead to a favorable outcome.

Available in a convenient format, this shoulder anatomy chart is ideal for display in doctors' offices, hospital examination rooms, and patient waiting areas. Teachers and medical students may also use it for instructional purposes and as a training tool in academic settings and scientific laboratories. Treated with an ultraviolet-resistant coating, the chart comes with excellent color protection to withstand fading over time. The glossy premium paper also delivers a high sheen for standout appeal. Along with this poster, you can outfit healthcare facilities and office environments with other human anatomy charts and models from CeilBlue™.

What are the dimensions of the poster?

This shoulder and elbow chart measures 20 in. x 26 in. to provide ample space for presenting accurate anatomical details with exceptional clarity. 

Is the chart laminated?

Yes. This shoulder poster comes with a thick double-sided lamination. The durable and rigid support makes the poster easy to frame and install as an eye-catching wall display.

Features and benefits:

  • The shoulder and elbow anatomical chart offers an accurate depiction of structural features for enhanced learning 
  • Clear labels make it easy to identify anatomical details for quick referencing
  • Brief supporting text delivers additional information for improved comprehension
  • Convenient format enables easy installation in various settings
  • UV-resistant coating makes the poster resilient to fading to preserve its high-definition print quality
  • Premium paper provides an attractive glossy finish for visual appeal
  • Double-sided lamination reinforces the chart for increased durability

Add this high-quality shoulder anatomy chart to your inventory of essential medical supplies to promote learning and create a positive impression.

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