CanDo Products for Physical Therapy

Accommodate treatment facilities on a small or large scale with CanDo® products for physical therapy. A versatile selection of exercise equipment includes weights, balance tools and storage racks. Whether you need simple yoga mats for relaxing meditation sessions or heavy-duty kettlebells for muscle strength, CeilBlue™ has many options to offer. Exercise kits ensure a variety of workout techniques to improve balance and overall physical condition. Balance balls have a high load capacity so that everyone can enjoy using them. Training equipment for workouts in water include kickboards and foam noodles, so patients in recovery can enjoy exercise without sinking below the water level. Search for CanDo fitness products in varying dimensions to match specific therapy exercises.

Equip various fitness facilities and medical institutions with CanDo products for physical therapy.

These items are fitting for athletic trainers, physicians and similar professions, where an employee helps patients with rehabilitation or muscle strengthening techniques. Aerobic pads, balance stones and foam rollers improve coordination, balance and condition when used under proper supervision. Some physical therapy supplies in the CeilBlue selection include bulk packages with multiple items, which allows managers to order a solid amount. Look for CanDo fitness products in versatile colors to fit existing fitness decor. 

Various options available

A wide collection of items includes physical therapy weights, hand exercisers and similar tools for strengthening specific body muscles like fingers after a sprain injury. With an ergonomic shape, durable hand exercisers provide balanced pressure distribution so that patients can train at a healthy pace. Use foam rollers to perform knee treatments, ankle stretching and similar joint exercises that improve flexibility. When trying to provide comfort to patients, nothing works quite as well as exercise mats, available with a roll-up design. This enables quick and simple transport to a gym or workplace. Inflatable balls with textured surfaces provide a good grip for safe workout practice.

Kettlebells and other weights are available with compatible racks, which prevent spilling on the floor and easy access during workouts. Many CanDo exercise equipment pieces feature a powder-coat finish, keep the items scratch-resistant. Some racks come with sturdy leg construction that includes rubber ends, while other models are wall-mountable. The wall-mountable function helps save space in small therapy session rooms. Many of these supplies serve as therapeutic and training tools, so different professionals can use them. More delicate treatments sometimes require using putty, which is available with the microwave-safe feature so that assistants can warm them up quickly.

Supply rehabilitation centers, fitness locations and medical facilities with versatile therapy products and massage supplies. With multiple dimensions and bulk options on many items, facility managers can renovate their work spaces in no time. Foam rollers and other tools are suitable for both children and adults. Many supplies come with rubber protection to minimize the risk of injury while exercising.